H.E. Chea Serey handed $60,000 raised by ‘The Art of Sharing’ to 3 NGOs

On Wednesday, March 24, 2021, Her Excellency Chea Serey, Founder of Raksa Koma Foundation, handed over a total of $60,000 to three beneficiary NGOs namely – TPO Cambodia, ICS-SP and HelpAge Cambodia. Each NGO received a check of $20,000, which is the proceed raised by ‘The Art of Sharing’ charity exhibition hosted by Sosoro museum earlier in the year.

This is the first of a multi-stage donation process, where each NGO receive a check for $20,000 to use in 2021 and will receive additional support in 2022 and 2023 according to their activity needs. The multi-stage process helps ensure longevity of the NGOs and create more sustainable impact for the people.

Three months ago Her Excellency Serey Chea and artist Adana Mam-Legros started ‘The Art of Sharing’ to convey a message of hope and solidarity in a time challenge and hardship. An exhibition of over two dozen paintings was on display at Sosoro museum and digitally on social media. To date, all the paintings in the exhibition have been sold or auctioned, which makes up the large majority of the funding raised and being donated today.

Related read on what the media wrote about this:





