Her Excellency Chea Serey, founder of Raksa Koma foundation, delivered a $2,000 donation to Hebron Medical Center to help patients with open heart surgery

Her Excellency Chea Serey, founder of Raksa Koma foundation, delivered a $2,000 donation to Hebron Medical Center to help patients with open heart surgery. Hebron Medical Center provides Cambodian patients free of charge medical treatments and other major surgery performed by specialized doctors from Korea. Raksa Koma is the first Cambodian foundation to help Hebron Medical Center to continue their mission in providing world class open heart surgery heart to those in needs. We still need more local donors to participate in order to help the Center save more Cambodian life.
For those who wish to donate to this program, please contact Mr. Vibol Sambann
Tel: (855) 15 21 89 89
Email: sambann.vibol@gmail.com

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