Hebron Hospital

RKF is also working with Hebron Hospital. The hospital is founded by Hebron International Hospital (HIH) in a poor district near to the international airport. It is staffed by a Korean Medical Ministry team, which provides two levels of care – primary care for local residents and a base for short-term mission teams from over the world for surgical mission. HIH opened in a small house in 2007, progressed to construction of a 70 bed hospital with 3 operating theatres and a staff accommodation block in 2010, with a vision to open a nursing school and a medical school in the next 20 years. This degree of commitment is quite extraordinary. In July, RKF was invited to join a farewell ceremony for 10 children who were going to be sent off to Korea for open-heart surgery. RKF helps to cover the cost of heart surgery for 2 children per year.

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